Power supply is the prerequisite of life quality, health and prosperity. In the Sun Belt countries, living conditions will be approved by access to low-cost energy. Today’s dominating fossile fuels get rare and thus will become expensive; in addition the pollution jeopardises the foundation of human life. Regarding the global and regional environmental problems, the increasing energy demand should be covered by sustainable means. As southern areas are characterised by a wealth of sun, a decentralised use of solar energy is most promising.
Realising this technological potential, the southern countries are presented with the chance to take over the leader role in a new technological revolution.
Cooking and pumping of water require by far the largest part of energy consumption in southern countries. Employing simple but efficient technologies the “Solar-Power Village” utilises the cost-free sun radiation to provide heat for cooking, to pump water and to generate electricity, using vegetable oil as the heat carrier and for storage of heat for night usage. The sunlight heats up the oil, which then circulates to the stoves and to a heat-power-coupling machine, which drives water pumps and generates electricity. The hot-oil storage enables the use of the solar energy for round-the-clock operation and during several days without sun. Concentrating lenses installed in a greenhouse (envelope™) use the direct light of the solar radiation to heat the oil up to 200°C, the diffuse light penetrating into the greenhouse creates ideal conditions for plant cultivation with minimal water requirement. The heat is lead out of the greenhouse by the oil, so that the temperature inside is lower than outside. Water for irrigation and for fresh water supply is pumped by the low temperature Stirling engine SUNPULSE™, which makes efficient use of the temperature difference between the hot oil and the pumped water. The Stirling motor also produces electricity for light, communication instruments or machines like a grain mill. In combination with stoves, which are heated by the hot oil, the whole food supply is supported by the “Solar-Power Village” system.
The system is built up modular. The equipment and performance can be tailored to the demand of the customer. Water disinfection by solar UV-radiation and cooling can be added to the system.
Various partners will be integrated in this promising project. Their specific knowledge and means will supplement our own expertise and speed up the project development.
Interested organisations are invited to collaborate with us in development, production and financing or as future users.